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Chia 中的单例硬币和类似以太坊的合约

Singletons and Ethereum-like Contracts in Chia

单例硬币是 Chia 中的一个基本概念。在此视频中,Chia 开发人员 Matthew Howard 解释了什么是单例硬币以及它们如何参与在 Chia 中创建类似以太坊的合约。


Singletons are a fundamental concept in Chia. In this video, Chia developer Matthew Howard explains what Singletons are and how they're involved in creating Ethereum-like contracts in Chia.

如果您还有其他问题,请加入 Chia Network 的公共 Keybase 团队 并在 #chialisp 频道中提问。


If you have further questions, join Chia Network's public Keybase team and ask in the #chialisp channel.