Coin Lifecycle and Testing
在这些视频中,Chia 开发人员 Matt Hauff 介绍了在 Chia 中创建您的第一个智能硬币并通过存钱罐智能硬币示例运行测试。
In these videos, Chia developer Matt Hauff covers creating your first smart coin in Chia and running tests through the example of a piggybank smart coin.
If you haven't watched the video on setting up your environment, do that first.
You can download the piggybank coin example files here.
2 - 开始编写您的第一个智能硬币
Start Writing Your First Smart Coin
3 - 完成你的第一个智能硬币的编写
Finish Writing Your First Smart Coin
4 - 保护智能硬币安全
Securing a Smart Coin
5 - 柯里化
6 - 驱动程序代码
Driver Code
7 - 编写智能硬币测试
Writing Smart Coin Tests
8 - 将智能硬币部署到区块链
Deploying a Smart Coin to the Blockchain
9 - 花费你的智能币
Spending Your Smart Coin
如果您还有其他问题,请加入 Chia Network 的公共 Keybase 团队 并在 #chialisp 频道中提问。
If you have further questions, join Chia Network's public Keybase team and ask in the #chialisp channel.