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8 - 安全


在编写 Chialisp 时,安全问题应该放在您的脑海中。该语言专门设计用于保护网络上的资金,而该网络没有没有中央授权来执行规则。唯一阻碍攻击者和潜在大笔资金的人就是你。


When writing Chialisp, security concerns should be at the front of your mind. The language is specifically designed to secure money on a network with no centralized authority to enforce rules. The only person standing in the way of attackers and potentially large sums of money is going to be you.






  • Signing and Asserting Solution Truth

Remember from our discussion of coin lifecycles that when you push a transaction, it gets gossiped to other nodes until it finds one who will put it into a block. Every node chooses what will be passed on to the next node. If it likes, it can change some data before it forwards it.

This is why the aggregated signature is part of the spend bundle. It allows you to mark data as valid only if there is also a signature that vouches for its correctness. Signatures are how you prevent nodes from changing your transaction in malicious ways; if they do, the spend will no longer be valid.

Signing is especially important when looking at solution values. The puzzle reveal is secured by the puzzle hash on the coin. The solution, however, can be anything. Most of the time when you are spending a coin, a the output conditions are passed in somehow through the solution. If you don't sign those conditions (or the delegated puzzle that generates them) you must assume that an attacker is going to notice and attempt to substitute their own values.

Sometimes, it is necessary to have solution values that logistically cannot be signed, but also should not be changed. In scenarios like these, you should try to have a signed coin use announcements to assert that the coin is being spent with the correct information.



这就是 ASSERT_MY_* 系列操作码的用武之地。当你需要关于你的硬币的信息(parent_coin_infopuzzle_hashamount)以在谜语中使用时,它不能总是由诚实的一方提供。有时,它需要通过谜底传入。谜底应始终被视为由恶意或粗心方解决。如果传入任何硬币信息,应使用操作码进行宣称以确保可以看到该信息的网络可以对其进行确认。

请记住,ASSERT_MY_COIN_ID 实际上会隐式宣布硬币中的所有三个信息。对于父代币,ASSERT_MY_PARENT_ID 也是如此,这特别有用,因为例如没有ASSERT_MY_PARENT_PUZZLE_HASH 这样的东西。

  • Asserting Coin Information

Signing is how you prevent nodes from messing with your own spends, but sometimes you want to create coins that will be traded around with specific rules. As a result you don't know who will be spending the coin, and you don't know if they will be honest. We saw in our discussion of outer puzzles that you can enforce rules on your child coins using currying and wrapping tree hashes, but there are times when you also want to enforce truths about yourself or your parent.

This is where the ASSERT_MY_* family of opcodes comes in. When you need information (parent_coin_info, puzzle_hash, amount) about your coin to use in the puzzle, it cannot always be curried in by an honest party. Sometimes, it will need to be passed in through the solution. The solution should always be treated as if it is being solved by malicious or careless parties. If any coin information is being passed in, it should be asserted with opcodes to ensure that the network, who can see that information, can confirm it.

Keep in mind that ASSERT_MY_COIN_ID will actually implicitly assert all three of the pieces of information in a coin. The same is true of ASSERT_MY_PARENT_ID for parent coins, which is particularly useful since there is no such thing as ASSERT_MY_PARENT_PUZZLE_HASH, for example.


创建支出时的另一个重大问题是,如果它们的一部分被排除或重复使用,它们是否有效。这种攻击是 AGG_SIG_UNSAFE 被标记为这种方式的原因。

如果你用 AGG_SIG_UNSAFE 签名,唯一被签名的数据就是你试图签名的消息。一旦你签名并推送它,这个签名就会永远存在于区块链上。如果你以后创建了一个被锁定的谜语由于需要相同的签名,攻击者可以找到你上次使用的签名并重用它。这就是为什么你应该尽可能尝试总是使用 AGG_SIG_ME。它不仅让你在签名(每次支出都是独一无二的),但它也致力于应对您所在网络的创世挑战。否则,可以在主网上重放测试网上硬币的公开签名。

排除也应该是您最关心的一个问题。通常,您会在同一个花费组合中花费多个硬币,并且它们应该全部捆绑在一起形成一个聚合签名。如果您有充分的理由不签署其中一个,确保您知道如果它被从花费组合中排除会发生什么。此外,聚合签名不能分解为更小的签名除非您之前已经签署了组合中公钥-消息对的较小组合之一。攻击者可以排除包含 AGG_SIG 条件的其余交易,并在剩余的交易上再次使用较小的签名。他们还可以计算剩余的聚合签名,并可能对除了排除之外的每笔支出进行签名。这被称为签名减法,并且是尽可能多地使用 AGG_SIG_ME 的另一个重要原因。

  • Replay Attacks

Another huge concern when creating your spends is whether they will be valid if parts of them are excluded or reused. This kind of attack is the reason why AGG_SIG_UNSAFE is labeled the way it is.

If you sign something with AGG_SIG_UNSAFE, the only data that is being signed is the message you are trying to sign. Once you sign and push it, that signature lives on the blockchain forever. If you later create a puzzle that is locked up with the need for the same signature, an attacker can find the signature you used last time and reuse it. This is why you should try to always use AGG_SIG_ME if possible. Not only does it make you commit to the coin ID in the signature (something that is unique to every spend), but it also commits to the genesis challenge of the network you are on. A revealed signature for a coin on testnet could be replayed in mainnet otherwise.

Exclusion should also be a concern at the forefront of your mind. Oftentimes, you will be spending multiple coins in the same bundle, and they should all be tied together into one aggregated signature. If you have good reason not to sign one of them, make sure you know what happens if it gets excluded from the bundle. Furthermore, aggregated signatures can't be disaggregated into smaller signatures unless you have previously signed one of the smaller combinations of public key-message pairs in the bundle. The attacker can exclude the rest of the transactions that contain AGG_SIG conditions and reuse the smaller signature again on the remaining transactions. They can also calculate the remaining aggregated signature and perhaps sign every spend except the one the exclude. This is known as signature subtraction and is another great reason to use AGG_SIG_ME as much as possible.





幸运的是,这种攻击有一个相对容易的修复方法,那就是添加一个(ASSERT_HEIGHT_RELATIVE 1) 条件来防止钱在同一个区块中被退回。

  • The "Flash Loan from God" attack

An interesting angle that also has to be considered during the building of your coins is how their security holds up if a party that is spending them has infinite money. This may seem ridiculous except that cryptocurrency enables flash loans to exist which are instant loans of money with no conditions except that they are returned to the owner within the same block.

Take for example, a piggybank coin that only allows you to withdraw funds once the amount of the piggybank has grown to a determined savings goal. If a person wants to retrieve their funds early, they can borrow money equal to their savings goal, cash out the piggybank, and then return the money that they borrowed.

There's also potential to use vast sums of borrowed money to influence the price of something, if that price is calculated programmatically. If you have enough money, you can singularly simulate a bunch of trades to influence the price calculation to the price you desire, make a transaction at that price, and then return all of the money you borrowed to simulate trading while keeping the profits.

Fortunately, this attack has a relatively easy fix, and that is to add an (ASSERT_HEIGHT_RELATIVE 1) condition to prevent the money from being returned in the same block.


记住要考虑何时揭开谜语和谜底。 它们仅在承诺给它们的代币的花费时间显示。 在此之前,网络唯一看到的是父代币和谜语哈希。 这可能是一个优势,因为您可以在揭示谜语之前隐藏敏感信息,以便在谜语哈希中花费硬币。 然而,谜语一旦被揭开,它就会永远被揭开,所以敏感信息不能再被认为是敏感的。


  • Puzzle and Solution Reveals

Remember to think about when puzzles and solutions are revealed. They are revealed only at spend time of the coin that is committed to them. The only thing that the network sees prior to that is the parent coin and the puzzle hash. This can be an advantage, since you can hide sensitive information for spending the coin inside the puzzle hash before it is ever revealed. However, once the puzzle is revealed, it's revealed forever, so that sensitive information cannot be considered sensitive again.

Also keep in mind that if a parent coin is currying information to its child coin before it creates it, that will be public before the child coin is spent. For some wallets, this is an advantage since you may want certain data about a coin's puzzle to calculate whether or not it's yours. However, if you were trying to use a plain-text password, that won't be very secure. Instead, make sure to pre-commit to things with hashes and then assert that they are revealed correctly later.



为了修复它,最好输入一个也必须为谜底签名的公钥。新的谜语将只能使用密码并且只能由您决定拥有此密码的人使用硬币。 当然,这在大多数情况下并不是特别有用,通常与带有额外步骤的签名锁定硬币一样好。签名是迄今为止锁定硬币的最安全方式。

  • Password Locked Coin Security

It's worth noting that the password locked coin we've been building is actually not very secure. When you solve the puzzle, you have to reveal the password. Since any full nodes whom you give your spend to will now be able to see your password, they can change the solution and pay themselves all the money instead!

In order to fix it, it's probably best to curry in a public key that also has to sign for the solution. The new puzzle will be able to be spent only with a password and only by the person who you have decided owns this coin. Of course, this is not particularly useful most of the time and is usually about as good as a signature locked coin with extra steps. Signatures are by far the most secure way to lock up your coins.


希望您对创建 Chialisp 谜语时涉及的风险有更好的了解。 通过传递危险的解决方案或忽略交易/签名来尝试和利用您的难题是非常值得的。你不仅要防止坏人,还要防止人们不小心把他们的硬币变砖。谜语通常是永久性的,因此值得花额外的时间。


Hopefully you have a better idea of what risks are involved when creating a Chialisp puzzle. It's very worth your time to try and exploit your puzzles by passing in dangerous solutions or leaving out transactions/signatures. You're not just trying to protect against bad actors, but also against people accidentally bricking their coins. Puzzles are usually pretty permanent, so it's worth the extra time.